Effect of Using Rolling Material in the Manufacture of Machine Parts

  • Rubidinov Shoxrux G'ayratjon o'g'li Senior Teacher, Fergana polytechnic institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
  • Olimjonov Oybek o'g'li Student of Fergana polytechnic institute, Uzbekistan, Fergana
  • Luqmonjonov Asadbek Bahodirjon o'g'li Student of Fergana polytechnic institute, Uzbekistan, Fergana
Keywords: rolled products, mass of technological waste, mass of blank waste, billets


The article discusses the definition of the rate of consumption of material per unit of production and the main prerequisites for the designation of the type of workpiece, obtaining a workpiece from rolled products.


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How to Cite
G’ayratjon o’g’li, R. S., Oybek o’g’li, O., & Bahodirjon o’g’li, L. A. (2022). Effect of Using Rolling Material in the Manufacture of Machine Parts. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 3(12), 137-145. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/BN4K8