Seismic Response of Reinforced Concrete Building with Shear Wall

  • Agus Civil Engineering Department, Padang Institute of Technology, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: shear wall, displacement, drift


Preventing a collapse on the structure of a building has currently been done in a massive effort, particularly in an area with a high intensity of a seismic phenomenon. Theoretically, installing shear walls to the building is one of the prevention efforts toward the structural collapse. Therefore, this study focuses on finding and comparing the seismic response between a reinforced concrete building with and without shear walls. SAP 2000 V14 software with an earthquake load response spectrum by Indonesian SNI-03-1726-2012 standard was employed to run an analysis over those two different buildings. As result, the building with shear wall is significantly able to reduce displacement (drift level) and drift (deviation between levels) so that they do not surpass the required limit performance. In addition, it is also found that the reinforced concrete building with a long plan with shear walls on the edge of the building frame is the most effective effort to prevent the structural collapse; however, it requires a more efficient reinforcement area compared to the building with shear walls on the center side of the building frame and without any shear wall installation.


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How to Cite
Agus. (2023). Seismic Response of Reinforced Concrete Building with Shear Wall. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 4(1), 1-8.