The Implementation of English Learning Chatbot using Social Media in Indonesian Context

  • Syofianis Ismail The Islamic University of Riau, Indonesia
  • Oktadela, Ania Lian The Islamic University of Riau, Indonesia
Keywords: Chatbot, Social Media, Learning, English structure


Some students learn English is something that is not easy so they need a companion to correct if something goes wrong. Learning English can be started by correctly understanding its structure so that it can help and provide a sense of trust when studying the next material such as reading, listening, and writing. This study aims to develop a chatbot application to learn English structure using social media. The main consideration for the use of social media as a means of learning is that most community activities for students in this pandemic season use social media or online-based learning facilities, so it is felt that social media is not something new for the general public and is the best alternative that can be used as a means to convey English structure material. Facebook with its chat fuel facility is used to develop an English structure learning chatbot. Using the chatbot method will automatically assist if someone who is learning has difficulties. The application, which is named ELA-bot or English Learning Assistant Bot, has been implemented in students of the S1 English study program, FKIP UIR. The test results showed that 90.5% of students stated that chatbots have helped in the process of learning English structure.


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How to Cite
Ismail, S., & Lian, O. A. (2023). The Implementation of English Learning Chatbot using Social Media in Indonesian Context. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 4(1), 22-28.