Development of Technology to Increase the Evenness of Parts Made of High Manganese Steel

  • Turakhodjaev Nadir Dzhakhangirovich T. F. D., prof. Tashkent State Technical University
  • Chorshanbiev Shukhrat Makhmatmurodovich Associate, Tashkent State Technical University
  • Abdullaev Farrukhjon Komiljon 1st year doctoral student, Tashkent State Technical University
Keywords: Mechanical engineering, steel, modifier, alloy, crystallization, hardness, smelting, detail


Mechanical engineering consists of a number of technological processes in manufacturing enterprises, forming a kind of technological chain. This chain is closely related to the working unit of each unit and the working quality of the machines before it. Taking this issue into account, it can be concluded that the influence of technological chain equipment on the quality indicators of machinery manufacturing enterprises and heavy industrial products is great. Therefore, the more efficient operation of the technological equipment of machinery manufacturing enterprises and heavy industry without distortion depends in many respects on the strength of their details. This requires the study of the process of operation of the details, which are mainly rubbed with each other.


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How to Cite
Dzhakhangirovich, T. N., Makhmatmurodovich, C. S., & Komiljon , A. F. (2023). Development of Technology to Increase the Evenness of Parts Made of High Manganese Steel. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 4(2), 9-13.