The Development of Minang Pop Music From the Chain to the Home Village
The development of Pop Minang music started in overseas areas and then developed into the area of origin. The development of the art of music in Minangkabau, in line with industrial and media developments, has led to the emergence of a new era in Minangkabau music called Modern Minang music. The emergence of Pop Minang music did not start in West Sumatra, but in Jakarta in the 1950s with the presence of the Gumarang Orchestra under the leadership of Asbon Masjid. The Gumarang Orchestra was founded in 1953 by a group of Minang immigrants in Jakarta who incidentally were musicians. The Gumarang Orchestra became famous after the record album Ayam Den Lapeh, sung by Nurseha, hit the market in 1957. In the mid-1970s, the recording business shifted from Jakarta to West Sumatra. In line with this, Minang POP songs began to develop in West Sumatra. This development greatly influenced Minangkabau traditional music universally.
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