Local and Global Stability of the - Curvature

  • Salih Yousuf Mohamed Salih Department of mathematics, Faculty of Science, Bakht Al-Ruda University, Duaim.
  • Shahinaz.A. Elsamani Department of mathematics, Faculty of Science, Bakht Al-Ruda University, Duaim.
Keywords: curvature function, Minkowski inequality.


Origin-centered balls only, when , and only for balls when  is the curvature of a smooth, strictly convex body in in  known to be constant. Only for origin-symmetric ellipsoids does the --curvature remain constant if . Using the global stability result from [5], we demonstrate that for 0, the volume symmetric difference between K and a translation of the unit ball B is nearly zero if the -curvature is approximately constant. Here, we have K shrunk to the same volume of a unit ball, denoted by K. We demonstrate a comparable result for  in the -distance class of origin-symmetric entities. We also demonstrate a local stability conclusion for   : Any strictly convex body with 'nearly' constant  curvature is 'almost' the unit ball, and this neighborhood surrounds the unit ball. Both a global stability result in R2 for  and a local stability result for   in the Banach-Mazur distance are demonstrated.  


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How to Cite
Salih Yousuf Mohamed Salih, & Shahinaz.A. Elsamani. (2023). Local and Global Stability of the - Curvature. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 4(5), 147-162. Retrieved from https://cajotas.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJOTAS/article/view/1176