Logoneurosis Defect In Children and Adolescents and Organization of Branches to Work With Them

  • Asrorova Gulmira Tulkinovna Akdarya district of Samarkand region school No.30 school speech therapist
Keywords: speech, speech therapist, effectiveness, stuttering, pathology, children's knowledge, methods.


This article discusses the causes of stuttering, the principles of working with children with stuttering and the benefits of individual training. The reforms carried out by people with speech therapy potential in our country, the importance of speech therapy branches, their advantages and targeted approaches have been extensively covered.


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How to Cite
Asrorova Gulmira Tulkinovna. (2023). Logoneurosis Defect In Children and Adolescents and Organization of Branches to Work With Them. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 4(10), 195-198. Retrieved from https://cajotas.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJOTAS/article/view/1318