The Role of Investment in the Digitalization of the Economy

  • Primova Azima Azizovna Senior teacher of Management department, Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute
Keywords: digitalization, digital economy, investment, investment climate, interconnection


The article is devoted to the study of the issues of investment relationships in the digitalization of the economy. In the modern world, the digital economy has the highest priority in the development of the economy as a whole. Investment activity and the digital economy are interdependent, as the development of the digital economy is impossible without investment, and the most effective investment tools are directly related to the digital economy. In the course of the study, the main drivers of growth of the digital economy were also highlighted, which were classified depending on the source of investment, the main problems of the development of digitalization were indicated and the steps taken in the development of investor interest in financial investments were named.


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How to Cite
Primova Azima Azizovna. (2021). The Role of Investment in the Digitalization of the Economy. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 2(4), 173-178. Retrieved from