Arab-muslim linguo-philosophy and jadidism

  • Bakaev Najmiddin Bakaevich Bukhara State Medical Institute
  • Shahobiddin Shodiev Bukhara State Medical Institute
  • Tasheva Nafisa Bukhara State Medical Institute
Keywords: religy, linguistics,philosophy, jaddists, arab, philosophical terminology, Farabi, Arab-Muslim philosophy


This article about  problem of linguistic study of the language of science and its specialized fields in the form of professional vocabulary systems has attracted the attention of linguistic scientists for a long time. The identification of the whole complex of terminology characteristic of a particular area of scientific activity, the definition of a nomenclature of terms, and the improvement of the terminological system of each specific industry and science are the most important areas of research in recent decades.


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How to Cite
Bakaevich, B. N., Shodiev, S., & Nafisa, T. (2021). Arab-muslim linguo-philosophy and jadidism. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 2(5), 165-169. Retrieved from