Innovative Approach to Modernization of Agriculture in Uzbekistan

  • Komolova Farida Kodirjonovna Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies
Keywords: agriculture, integration, modernization, export, innovation, economics, products


As a result of recent economic reforms carried out in agriculture, we have gained some positive results. There is discussed in the article the issues of necessary economic and legal framework creation to the development of agriculture, statistical indicators of the results achieved in the industry, peculiarities of the industry, and the main directions of fruit and vegetable development. There are also practical ways of solving the problems identified in the country in order to further increase the production of fruit and vegetable products, innovative approaches to increasing the export of fruit and vegetable products, as well as practical recommendations and suggestions.


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How to Cite
Komolova Farida Kodirjonovna. (2021). Innovative Approach to Modernization of Agriculture in Uzbekistan. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 2(6), 109-113. Retrieved from