Improvement of Designs and Methods for Calculating the Parameters of Bobbins for a Sewing Machine

  • Vafoyeva Zamira Sevindikovna Bukhara engineering technological institute, Matyakubova Jumagul Bakhtiyarovna, Urgench State University
  • Bexbudov Shavkat Husenovich Bukhara engineering technological institute, Matyakubova Jumagul Bakhtiyarovna, Urgench State University
Keywords: disadvantage, bobbin, solved, plastic, design, machine, shuttle, surface, rubber, objective, laterа


This article discusses the design of the spinning shuttle in the garment industry. A popular design is the shuttle spool, which consists of two circular discs tightly connected to each other.


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How to Cite
Sevindikovna, V. Z., & Husenovich, B. S. (2021). Improvement of Designs and Methods for Calculating the Parameters of Bobbins for a Sewing Machine. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 2(10), 1-3. Retrieved from