Dependence of the Content of Trans-Isomerized Fatty Acids on Hydrogenate Indicators

  • Sattarov Karim Karshievich Gulistan State University Head of the Department of Food Technology, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Khazratulov Javsurbek Zokirzhon Uli Lecturer at the Department of Food Production, Gulistan State University
Keywords: hydrogenation technology, catalysts, isomerization processes, trans-isomerized fatty acids, target fats, food safety, high hardness


There is a growing demand in the world for vegetable oils and products of their processing, in particular, hydrogenated fats. The production of vegetable oils in 2020 was 20.5 million in the USA, 4.8 in Russia, 38.0 in China, 72.6 in Central Asia and 28.0 million tons in Europe. Taking into account the increase in the production of vegetable oils, the demand for the production of margarine products and confectionery fats, which are based on target edible hydrogenated fats, is increasing.

In the world, more and more attention is paid to research work on the catalytic hydrogenation of vegetable oils and fats to obtain target fats and improve their quality and ensure food safety on their basis of margarine products with a minimum content of trans-isomerized fatty acids in their composition, modernization of production technology using new types of catalytic systems. The development of new-generation catalysts for the production of targeted high-hard edible fats with a minimum content of trans-isomerized fatty acids is an urgent problem. In this direction, scientific research work on improving the properties of target highly-hard edible fats, optimizing their composition and technological processes in order to reduce the amount of trans-isomerized fatty acids in margarine products obtained on their basis, is undergoing significant development.


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How to Cite
Karshievich, S. K., & Uli, K. J. Z. (2021). Dependence of the Content of Trans-Isomerized Fatty Acids on Hydrogenate Indicators. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 2(10), 27-30. Retrieved from