Language Policy and National Security of Uzbekistan

  • B. Isroilova Basic Doctoral Student of Andijan State University
Keywords: language policy, the meaning of the Uzbek language, national security, analyzes


The article analyzes the conduct of language policy in multinational Uzbekistan. The analysis of this problem indicates that the leadership of the Republic of Uzbekistan is carrying out a phased implementation of the Law "On the State Language", providing equal rights and opportunities to all peoples of the republic. An increase in the network of schools and mass media in various languages, as well as the creation of national cultural centers, which contributes to the improvement and harmonization of interethnic relations, strengthening of stability in the republic, has become a vivid confirmation of the positive processes in this area.


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How to Cite
B. Isroilova. (2021). Language Policy and National Security of Uzbekistan. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 2(11), 89-92. Retrieved from