Content-Based and Task-Based Instruction and Application of them into Language Teaching

  • Suyunova Mohinur Ilhom qizi Uzbekistan State World Languages University First-year student in Foreign Language and Literature (English) Department in Masters’
Keywords: CBI, TBI, classroom practice, task, communicative competence


This paper examines main assumptions of two methodologies known asContent-based and Task-based instruction together with an overview of positive practices of them in English language teaching methodology. It further investigates challenges in applying these trends when used to achieve communicative competence.The outline of effective activities within these two approaches can be applicable for language instructors in organizing language classrooms.


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How to Cite
qizi, S. M. I. (2022). Content-Based and Task-Based Instruction and Application of them into Language Teaching. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 3(5), 72-75.