Theoretical Fundamentals of Introduction of Electronic Educational Tools to the Educational Process

  • Umirov Ilhom Iskandarovich An assistant of the Department of “Vehicle Engineering” at Jizzakh Polytechnic InstituteAn assistant of the Department of “Vehicle Engineering” at Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute
Keywords: e-learning tools, lifelong learning, need, software, textbook, multimedia, activity


The article discusses the pedagogical conditions for the introduction of electronic information tools in the educational process, the role and importance of innovative technologies in education.  It is also argued that the important aspects of the use of e-learning tools in the teaching process serve to the effective assimilation of knowledge by students.


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How to Cite
Umirov Ilhom Iskandarovich. (2021). Theoretical Fundamentals of Introduction of Electronic Educational Tools to the Educational Process. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 2(1), 1-7. Retrieved from