To Study the Processes of Heat Transfer from Walls

  • Abdukarimov Bekzod Abobakirovich Fergana Polytechnic Institute Ferghana, 86 Ferghana str., 150107, Uzbekistan
  • Kamoldinov Saidjalol Dilmurodjon ugli Fergana Polytechnic Institute Ferghana, 86 Ferghana str., 150107, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Thermal conductivity, density, temperature, heat dissipation, heat transfer coefficient


In this article, the processes of flowing heat flow at different homogeneous temperatures over time are modeled, the issues of reducing the energy consumption of heat lost are considered. Also on the basis of this model, it was possible to select the optimal values of the design of the walls and indicators such as thickness.


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How to Cite
Abobakirovich, A. B., & ugli, K. S. D. (2022). To Study the Processes of Heat Transfer from Walls. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 3(5), 306-312. Retrieved from