The Role of Non-Traditional Forms of Teaching that Increase the Effectiveness of Learning a Foreign Language

  • Begmuratov Akmaljon Latifjon o'g'li Andizhan State University The junior course of faculty of foreign language
  • Qurbonova Gulnoza Ahmadjon qizi Andijan State University, junior year of the Faculty of Foreign Languages
Keywords: Education system, traditional and non-traditional forms of teaching, foreign language teaching, national education program, students, efficiency


The role of traditional lessons in the education system is invaluable and their effectiveness, especially in learning a foreign language, is commendable. But today, the influx of non-traditional forms of education from the education system of the developed countries of the world is noteworthy. In this article, the author discusses in detail the role of non-traditional forms of teaching that increase the effectiveness of learning a foreign language.


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How to Cite
o’g’li, B. A. L., & qizi, Q. G. A. (2022). The Role of Non-Traditional Forms of Teaching that Increase the Effectiveness of Learning a Foreign Language. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 3(5), 317-327. Retrieved from