Characteristics of Change of Morphometric Performance of Kidneys During Postnatal Development of Karakol Sheep

  • Tangirov Qayum Jo‘rayevich Termez Institute of Agrotechnology and Innovative Development “Zooengineering, veterinary and silkworm breeding” Acting Associate Professor, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences
  • Mallayev Muhriddin G‘ofur o‘g‘li Chair Assistants, “Zooengineering, veterinary and silkworm breeding”
Keywords: karakul sheep, postnatal ontogeny, morphometric, kidneys, growth rate, relative index


The linear dimensions and weights of the left and right kidneys at different physiological stages of postnatal ontogeny of Karakol sheep were studied, and the dynamics of specific changes in these parameters during development were determined.


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How to Cite
Jo‘rayevich, T. Q., & G‘ofur o‘g‘li, M. M. (2022). Characteristics of Change of Morphometric Performance of Kidneys During Postnatal Development of Karakol Sheep. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 3(6), 7-10. Retrieved from