Characteristics of Changes in the Postnatal Ontogenesis of the Egg Path of Different Breeds

  • Tangirov Qayum Jo‘rayevich Termez Institute of Agrotechnology and Innovative Development “Zooengineering, veterinary and silkworm breeding” chair Acting Associate Professor, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences
  • Achilov Shamsiddin Amanovich “Zooengineering, veterinary and silkworm breeding” chair assistants
  • Mallayev Muhriddin G‘ofur o‘g‘li “Zooengineering, veterinary and silkworm breeding” chair assistants
Keywords: karakul sheep, ewes, oviduct, postnatal ontogeny, absolute index, length, growth rate


The dynamics of changes in the linear dimensions of the right and left ovarian pathways of ewes of different age and karakul breed were studied, and it was found that the absolute indicators show specific changes during the physiological stages of postnatal ontogeny. Absolute lengths of the right and left ovarian pathways were observed to increase rapidly during the first 3 months of postnatal development, with peak peaks occurring at 18 and 36 months of age. Absolute rates of ovulation, especially after 18 months of age, have been reported to be slightly lower in karakul sheep than in ewes.


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How to Cite
Jo‘rayevich, T. Q., Amanovich, A. S., & G‘ofur o‘g‘li, M. M. (2022). Characteristics of Changes in the Postnatal Ontogenesis of the Egg Path of Different Breeds. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 3(6), 16-18. Retrieved from