The Importance of the Festival “East Songs” in the Introduction and Development of National Classical Music of the Peoples of the East

  • Toshmatov Gulomjon Olimjonovich Teacher of Namangan state university
  • Daminova Gulmira Komiljanovna Student of Namangan state university
Keywords: festival, song, Middle-Far East, lexical meaning, international music festival, music, result, theater, cinema, variety, circus, musical pamphlet


The article describes the festival and its lexical meanings, foundations, origin, structure, significance and goals of the Shark Taronas festival in the process of music education, as well as the cultural significance of the festival of international significance.


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How to Cite
Olimjonovich, T. G., & Komiljanovna, D. G. (2022). The Importance of the Festival “East Songs” in the Introduction and Development of National Classical Music of the Peoples of the East. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 3(6), 195-199. Retrieved from