Measures on Women's Political Activity During the Years of Independence

  • Qoraboyeva Dilfuzaxon Qodirjonovna Teacher of history of school 46 of Asaka district of Andijan region1st year master's student Of the Faculty of History of Andijan State University
Keywords: women's rights, gender equality, measures, independence reforms, women's society


Today, raising the status of women in society, ensuring gender equality and equalizing the rights of women and men in all areas has become one of the most pressing issues. This article discusses in detail one of the most pressing issues, which is the measures taken by women during the years of independence.


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How to Cite
Qodirjonovna, Q. D. (2022). Measures on Women’s Political Activity During the Years of Independence. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 3(6), 219-223. Retrieved from