Technology for Development of Soft and Hard Skills Competencies in Engineering Students of Higher Education Institutions

  • T. Butaev Kokand branch of Tashkent state Technical University Associate Professor
  • H. H. Haydarov Student of Kokand branch of Tashkent State Technical University
Keywords: engineer, entrepreneurship, soft skills, hard skills, competence, technology, startup project


In the article, it is concluded that one of the main reasons for the delay in the implementation of hundreds of scientific developments created in the fields of electrical engineering and electronics by higher educational institutions in the field of technology or the establishment of innovative enterprises based on scientific development is the lack of specialists with the master of their profession and entrepreneurial competencies in these directions. done In order for engineering students to engage in entrepreneurial activities in their field of specialization in the future, it was shown that, in addition to hard skills, they need to develop "soft skills" as well. Also, in the article, the necessary recommendations for the development of soft and hard skills competencies in engineering students are given.


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How to Cite
Butaev, T., & Haydarov, H. H. (2022). Technology for Development of Soft and Hard Skills Competencies in Engineering Students of Higher Education Institutions. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 3(7), 198-202. Retrieved from