Distribution Analysis of Smoked Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus Pelamis) in Small Medium Enterprises (Smes) Gorontalo Regency

  • Moh Riksal H. Ambololo Students of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
  • Lis M. Yapanto Lecturers of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
  • Rahim Husain Lecturers of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
Keywords: distribution, maergin, marketing, smoked fish


The purpose of this study was to determine the marketing margins and efficiency in Anugerah UKM and Khairunisa UKM in Gorontalo Regency. Sampling by purposive sampling. This research uses descriptive and qualitative data. The data obtained were collected, then reduced and concluded. Systematic data collection techniques to facilitate researchers in obtaining conclusions. Marketing Distribution Analysis of Smoked Skipjack (Katsuonus Pelamis) in Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) in Gorontalo Regency. The process of distributing smoked skipjack tuna to SME Anugerah and SME Khairunisa only processes and directly markets smoked skipjack tuna directly to consumers by means of each fish after being smoked directly transported to the market using a car and marketed to every market visitor. The results of the marketing margin for UKM Anugerah show that the profit from the sale at the auction takes a profit of Rp. 2,000, UPI of Rp. 5,000. Meanwhile, on the marketing margin of Khairunisa UKM, the profit from the auction is Rp. 1,000, UPI is Rp. 2,750. The marketing efficiency in Anugerah UKM and Khairunisa UKM has met the requirements because it is <5%.


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How to Cite
Ambololo, M. R. H., Yapanto, L. M., & Husain, R. (2022). Distribution Analysis of Smoked Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus Pelamis) in Small Medium Enterprises (Smes) Gorontalo Regency. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 3(8), 87-92. Retrieved from https://cajotas.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJOTAS/article/view/888