Changes in Blood Leucoformula During the Treatment of Puturous-Necrotic Processes in Cows' Toes With Different Methods

  • B. Ya. Nuriddinov senior teacher at Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology
Keywords: Catazal, lincomycin, oxytetracycline, streptocide, iodoform, demyxidine, morphological, eosinophils


Cows with various purulent-necrotic conditions have their fingers treated with injections of 25 ml
of Katazal immunostimulator, once every 48 hours for a total of three times, 10 ml of 0.5% novocaine, 4 ml
of Lincomycin mixed intramuscularly, and 4 ml of Oxytetracycline + Streptocide + Iodoform (4: 4:2 ratio)
to speed up the absorption of Demixidine stimul, which is regarded as one of the practical and efficient
methods for the treatment of various purulent-necrotic processes in the finger area of animals, where the
number of eosinophils increased by 93.8%, the number of neutrophils with segmental nuclei increased by
45.2%, the number of monocytes increased by 93.8%, and the number of neutrophils with rod nuclei
increased by 58. It was characterized by a decrease of 6% and the relative index.


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How to Cite
B. Ya. Nuriddinov. (2022). Changes in Blood Leucoformula During the Treatment of Puturous-Necrotic Processes in Cows’ Toes With Different Methods. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 3(8), 144-148. Retrieved from