Simplification of differential equations of elastic viscous fluid motion in pipes and ducts

  • Begjanov Amirbek Shixnazarovich PhD student, Urgench state university
  • Inoyatov Murodbek O'ktam o Student, Urgench state university
Keywords: Dynamic viscosity coefficient, oscillation frequency in pulsating current, non- Newtonian, Reynolds number


 A completely linear form of the system of equations representing the flow of elastic viscous fluid in flat channels and circular cylindrical tubes was obtained, and it was possible to obtain an analytical solution for small amplitude oscillations


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How to Cite
Begjanov Amirbek Shixnazarovich, & Inoyatov Murodbek O’ktam o. (2021). Simplification of differential equations of elastic viscous fluid motion in pipes and ducts. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 2(3), 49-53. Retrieved from