Expression of the Modality Category in German

  • Abdullayeva Munisa Kuvandikovna Student at the Department of German language, Karshi State University
Keywords: language


Language is the most complex and at the same time unique social phenomenon. Because the language reflects the customs and way of life of the people. Understanding the essence of the content of a particular national language is understanding the history and future of this nation.[1, 82].


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2. Benyaminov Ya. Comparative typology of German and Uzbek languages. Tashkent, 1982
3. Saidov S., Zikrillayev G. German grammar. Tashkent, 1973
4. Azizov O. Introduction to Linguistics.
5. Hermann, H. Der Steppenwolf. Suhrkamp Verl. Frankfurt am Main, 1994
6. Mysterious witness. Interesting crime stories. Imyaminova Sh. translation. "University". Tashkent, 2007
How to Cite
Kuvandikovna, A. M. (2023). Expression of the Modality Category in German. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 4(6), 27-28. Retrieved from